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How improving supplier performance is key for growth

Espresso-live Speakers
by Beroe Inc.
2 July 2024

In the 2024 ProcureCon CPO report, we uncovered that 34% of Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) see enhancing supplier management as their top priority. This shift underscores the changing role of CPOs, who are now influential in strategic business decisions and in driving company success.

Building Strong Supplier Relationships

CPOs play a vital role in forging trust-based relationships with suppliers, benefiting both sides. This cooperation is enhanced by:

  • Clear, concise performance metrics
  • Strategic tech used to evaluate supplier performance
  • Identifying areas for improvement to streamline operations

Using technology allows CPOs to gain deeper insights into how suppliers perform, swiftly spotting areas needing attention. Setting clear performance indicators ensures suppliers understand expectations, helping align goals and enhance performance.

Training and Innovation

Training procurement teams in effective supplier relationship management is crucial. This strategic move:

  • Aids in identifying risks and opportunities
  • Equips teams to think ahead and work efficiently with suppliers

Encouraging suppliers towards innovation and sustainability is wise. It not only reduces costs and improves product quality but also brands your company as a leader in sustainability efforts. This approach meets today's business demands and consumer expectations.

The Role of CPOs

Chief Procurement Officers have a crucial role, involving:

  • Strengthening supplier connections
  • Setting clear performance targets
  • Leveraging technology
  • Enhancing team skills
  • Promoting eco-friendly and innovative practices

These strategies enhance the efficiency and quality of supply chains, support sustainable business growth, and establish CPOs as key strategists in managing suppliers and ensuring business stability.
If you want to see how Beroe can help you improve supplier management, get in touch for a conversation.

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