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Code of Conduct


A. At Beroe, Employees at all times, maintain exemplary conduct and decorum. Employees shall uphold honesty and integrity in all his/her actions.

B. Employees shall, honor and comply with all rules and regulations of the Company and statutory requirements, in letter and spirit.


A. Employees shall maintain utmost secrecy with regard to confidential and proprietary information relating to the company. This information includes and is not limited to trade secrets, technical processes, and finances, dealings with information relating to suppliers, employees, agents, distributors and customers.

B. Employees shall not, during his/her employment and at all times thereafter directly or indirectly use or disclose confidential information except for the sole benefit of the Company. This restriction shall cease to apply when it may come into the public domain otherwise than through unauthorized disclosure by the employee or such information which he/she shall be obliged to disclose by law.

C. Employee shall not take copies of confidential documents or information for his/her own purposes and forth with upon termination, employees shall return to the Company all documents, records and accounts in any form (including electronic, mechanical, photographic, and optic recording) relating to matters concerning the business or dealings or affairs of the Company.

D. Employees shall not during his/her employment and at all times thereafter do or say anything that may injure directly or indirectly damage the business of the Company.